Tag Archives: John Deegan

Deborah Warren

I am actually surprised that this woman is still employed at GameStop when she was part of the three stooges of John Deegan, Teddy Nelson, and herself. Those three were plotting and planning and were always defending each other regardless of all complaints send to corporate especially about Teddy Nelson. She made those complaints disappear and she still has a job is beyond words. She betrayed the trust of the people that spoke to her in confidentiality, and did her best only to protect Teddy Nelson, If Teddy was a racist then Deborah was his guide!!!


I can say that I am extremely happy now that GameStop has finally fired Teddy Nelson, He was the reason for this blog and my hatred of GameStop!! Question is should I stop writing this blog or continue with it, there is still so much to write about. I don’t know what does the general audience think I should do, GameStop maybe you can answer that for me, I know I deserve compensation for all the crap I had to put up with from Teddy Nelson, and my forced resignation due to Teddy Nelsons policies and his protectors and friends John Deegan and Deborah Warrren, you may not like to admit to any of it GameStop but many people know I speak the truth and I am not afraid to reveal many more things. I am going to need some time to think all this through, so I might be on a little hiatus for a few weeks until I gather up myself and see what I want to do with this blog. I really wish for District 451 my old District and Region 19 my old region the best now that the cancer Teddy Nelson has be extracted, and hopefully you guys can get a new and good Regional Director that will help you all and not strangle and stunt your growth, mad props to the VP of the North Market for getting rid of Teddy Nelson….

DM’s of Region 19

I really had no intentions of really writing about the DM’s of Region 19, but after much thought I decided to do it anyway, because my writing about them will not get any of them in trouble and it is my personal opinions anyway.

I’m going to start with Anthony G, he is a young DM that does anything and everything possible to help his district and has to document everything he does so because  Teddy Nelson is so stupid and has no clue what is going on, but to also protect himself in case Teddy says he didn’t do something or didn’t send him something, and believe me this happens all the time with Teddy Nelson because he is in the wrong job, and he has no clue about technology, so he will delete things all the time and say he didn’t get anything from any DM. Anthony or Tony as we all called him really works his ass off, and it shows in how the broken district he took over has done over the years, better people, and better performances from his team.

Next up is Rudy Ant, who is also a very very hard working DM with a sarcastic sense of humor, but also a great guy like Tony. Rudy would also help you when you needed his help and he always gave me good advice. Rudy is really a funny guy especially outside of official work.

Joe Yosco was my DM, he helped me a great deal, but he always put all the inventories on me, and when I asked him to ask Teddy Nelson for a raise that I really deserved he refused considering he gave other store managers good raises and had them almost making as much as me an Area Manager who not only looked after my 4 stores but always helped with all the other stores in the District. I have nothing against Joe and wish him luck since he was able to get a transfer away from Region 19. Joe tried his hardest to get me promoted to DM but Teddy Nelson always stood in the way…

I already touched on Don Dinnen Teddy Nelsons slave boy in a previous post as well as the Chris Christie look alike cry baby Anthony Sepe.

Hassan Harris also a good DM, I think Teddy gave him a lot of leeway when it came to the tasks and expectations becasue he is African American like Teddy, Teddy being a total racist when it came to other races and religions.

2012 in review

The WordPress.com stats helper monkeys prepared a 2012 annual report for this blog.

Here’s an excerpt:

The new Boeing 787 Dreamliner can carry about 250 passengers. This blog was viewed about 1,400 times in 2012. If it were a Dreamliner, it would take about 6 trips to carry that many people.

Click here to see the complete report.

Teddy Nelson Part 8

Teddy Nelson would always check out the Puerto Rico District Manager Team at The Multi Unit Manager meeting ever year around March in Dallas, as well as at the Store Manager Conference in  August in either San Antonio, Las Vegas or where ever they have it. Teddy would make very inappropriate comments about them, he even preferred one of their District Manager to make his sexist comments about more than any other, maybe because she had a very big ass and maybe because Teddy Nelson is African American he preferred that. Teddy felt very comfortable making those comments because he knew at the time no one would dare speak against him becasue he would get them fired because his buddy John Deegan was the North Market Vice President, but no more Teddy Nelson all your hidden secrets will be revealed!!!!!!!

Bye Bye John Deegan

John Deegan Teddy Nelsons buddy was fired from his position as North Market Vice President for GameStop a few months ago, I say good riddance, you protected Teddy Nelson from so many corporate investigations into his racism. John Deegan was fired because he ordered all the stores in his market to take down all displays form Max Payne and put up marketing for Call Of Duty. This was his idea, and when the representatives from Rockstar walked into Gamestop stores and saw that their marketing was not up, marketing they paid lots of money for they were furious!! Rockstar threatened GameStop with a huge lawsuit, so GS immediately distanced themselves from John Deegan and said it was all his idea and not the company and they fired him!!! Protecting Teddy Nelson did nothing for you John, and you probably took that Advice from Teddy Nelson and did not bring his name up thinking that GS would never fire you, but you learned the hard way didn’t you!!!!