Tag Archives: GameStop Employees

What to do when LP interviews you!!!

Loss Prevention, what to do when they come knocking for you at GameStop. The first thing you must not do, do not admit to anything at all, no matter what they tell you because that’s the first step in you getting fired. Second no matter what do not write anything they tell you to write or sign anything they tell you to sign. Usually the LP person talks to you like he/she is your dear old friend and just says to write down everything they say, while you do not realize that this is putting you in a trap situation. They usually  come in for a specific situation and if they can’t get you for that, they will look for other things, so again do not admit to doing anything against policy. They try to use reverse psychology to pin something on you. The thing is if they are wrong about something, they have to come up with something else because to them you are already guilty no matter what, and you have to fight to prove your innocence which even if you are innocent, 99.9 percent of the time you are still going to get fired. I have seen LP work over the years of working at GameStop and have seen them fire many good managers for little things because they couldn’t pin the big things on them. LP works for corporate and if corporate wants to get rid of you because of your high salary, then it is a done deal…

Beware GameStop Employees

It has come to my attention that GameStop is deliberately finding ways and excuses to terminate high paid associates and managers, and the reason for this is the dismal performance of the company, Why pay a store manager $46,000 a year or more when you can fire him/her and hire someone for $36,000 a year, and trust me there is n shortage of applicants either. Gamestop has been going after many managers recently and firing them for simple things like not filing the Game Planner correctly and finding other small things to get rid of people, If you are a GameStop employee at any level make sure you follow the policies and procedures 100% or else you will be terminated before you know it..

Your Information is not safe Part 2

This is an example of what Some GameStop Managers throw in the garbage for eager identity thieves, so think again what information you give the cashiers, it might lead to your identity being stolen..Scan

Your Information Is Not Safe at GS

You know all the time you trade game in or return something, when you give the employee your personal information, well its not properly taken care of. The information is captured on a receipt that is stored in the store for 3 months then it gets tossed in the trash. What information you may ask, well your name, phone number and address. The monthly receipts are stored in the backroom for 3 months at a time, after which a purge is done to get rid of the old paperwork and make room for the new paperwork. The manager is supposed to send this old paperwork in to a special facility that GameStop operates to have it shredded and thrown away, but you guessed it, many store managers are too lazy to ship it out and just toss it out in the trash waiting for identity thieves to steal your identity. Like I said the information found on these store receipts include your full name, first and last, your full address, street, zip code and state, your full phone number, and your email address, now this is a dream for any identity thief. So if you have been a victim of identity theft recently make sure to check your local GameStop to see if they are actually disposing of your information correctly…

Daily Dose of Customer Service or Lack Of !!!

Recently I made a purchase at gamestop for a game called yggdra union for the psp. I had the game put on hold by the store manager via phone call, when I finally went to pick it up the assistant store manager walked in with a disgusted look on her face (kinda like she hates her life or just didn’t want to be there that day) and proceeds to sign in for work. I had privilege of being her first customer. I asked for the game that was on hold and told her I had a coupon for five dollars off and that it was a digital code so I would read off the coupon code for her. She looked at me with a blank stare and coldly asked me to read the code. Making it easy to understand I read 5 letters of a 18 digit code to her and she typed it in but made a mistake on one of the numbers and told me I messed up and gave her the wrong numbers loudly like I was some Jerkass. not sure whose fault it was but I politely apologize and read the numbers off to her again with success Even though I felt her service was terrible I kept my cool….but here comes the power ups rewards harassment. I think I had about 4 days left on my membership but I didn’t really want to renew that day because I didn’t feel like it at that time because I rarely shop there so it’s kinda a waste of money for me. When I said no I didn’t want to renew she bombarded me with questions on why not etc and gave me a disgusted look. I hate how I have to keep saying “No” just so I could buy a game or two from that place. “Do you want a power rewards card?” No. “Are you interested in subscribing to Game Informer magazine?” No. “Would you like to reserve anything today?” No. “would you like to buy disc protection? Hell no. Decided to fill out a survey from the receipt.

If you read this far heres were things get interesting……

Two days after filling out the survey I went back to purchase a rare ps2 game they had and when I went to the register to get it, the manager asked me about the complaint directly. I was shocked because didn’t understand how she would know I personally made a complaint so I asked her how do you know it was me? She said she looked up my power up rewards account on the receipt. She knew my name and address! than proceeded to tell me that there must have been some kind of mistake and that if someone from corporate office will be giving me a call about the complaint on the survey and that if I could recant what I said on the survey! She had this weird smile on her face like it was cool that she looked up my info and was trying to persuade me to change what I said on the survey. I really felt like she was intimidating me. Anyways I think I’ll avoid going to that Gamestop or any other……….Gamestop sucks

GameStop in Decline Believe it!!!!


GameStop is number 6 on the list something that was not likely years ago, and corporate keeps telling the store managers and other field employees that brick and mortar stores  are still the future of the business, well what to be said now and where will all those employees go, an average GameStop store employees 1 Store Manager, 1 Assistant Manager, 1 KeyHolder, and 3 to 4 employees so that 6 minimum employees multiply that by 500 stores and you have at least 3,000 people out of a job!!!!!!!!!!!!


REUTERS> Forecast storeclosings: 500 to 600
> Number of U.S. stores: 4,471
> One-year stock performance: -2.2%

In November, just as the holiday season was in full swing, GameStop Corp. (GME) announced it would close 200 stores in 2013. The video game retailer, hurt by growth in mobile gaming at the expense of console gaming platforms, had a 4.6% year-over-year decrease in revenue, as well as a 4.4% decline in comparable-store sales over the nine-week holiday period. For the third quarter of 2012, the most recent quarterly release, gross profits fell at GameStop’s three core product segments: new hardware, new software and used products.

GameStop Layoffs!!!!

It has come to my attention that GameStop has been laying off a number of people in the home office as well as the field like District Managers, Loss Prevention Managers, Region Managers. What is wrong GameStop did you get way too big to be profitable, or did the profits decrease and the only way to make up for it was to cut a number of jobs, while at the same time giving those extra responsibilities to other people to handle. What I see is a GameStop in decline. Stores are closing everywhere and the excuse they will give you is that those stores aren’t profitable anymore, and we will open other stores in more profitable areas. I like that old excuse, GameStop is in decline, will it go out of business soon, no I don’t think so, but the old mentality of helping customer and customer service is being replaced by the profit mentality, so I do eventually see more and more cuts in GameStops future and more and more layoffs and sore closings…


I can say that I am extremely happy now that GameStop has finally fired Teddy Nelson, He was the reason for this blog and my hatred of GameStop!! Question is should I stop writing this blog or continue with it, there is still so much to write about. I don’t know what does the general audience think I should do, GameStop maybe you can answer that for me, I know I deserve compensation for all the crap I had to put up with from Teddy Nelson, and my forced resignation due to Teddy Nelsons policies and his protectors and friends John Deegan and Deborah Warrren, you may not like to admit to any of it GameStop but many people know I speak the truth and I am not afraid to reveal many more things. I am going to need some time to think all this through, so I might be on a little hiatus for a few weeks until I gather up myself and see what I want to do with this blog. I really wish for District 451 my old District and Region 19 my old region the best now that the cancer Teddy Nelson has be extracted, and hopefully you guys can get a new and good Regional Director that will help you all and not strangle and stunt your growth, mad props to the VP of the North Market for getting rid of Teddy Nelson….

DM’s of Region 19

I really had no intentions of really writing about the DM’s of Region 19, but after much thought I decided to do it anyway, because my writing about them will not get any of them in trouble and it is my personal opinions anyway.

I’m going to start with Anthony G, he is a young DM that does anything and everything possible to help his district and has to document everything he does so because  Teddy Nelson is so stupid and has no clue what is going on, but to also protect himself in case Teddy says he didn’t do something or didn’t send him something, and believe me this happens all the time with Teddy Nelson because he is in the wrong job, and he has no clue about technology, so he will delete things all the time and say he didn’t get anything from any DM. Anthony or Tony as we all called him really works his ass off, and it shows in how the broken district he took over has done over the years, better people, and better performances from his team.

Next up is Rudy Ant, who is also a very very hard working DM with a sarcastic sense of humor, but also a great guy like Tony. Rudy would also help you when you needed his help and he always gave me good advice. Rudy is really a funny guy especially outside of official work.

Joe Yosco was my DM, he helped me a great deal, but he always put all the inventories on me, and when I asked him to ask Teddy Nelson for a raise that I really deserved he refused considering he gave other store managers good raises and had them almost making as much as me an Area Manager who not only looked after my 4 stores but always helped with all the other stores in the District. I have nothing against Joe and wish him luck since he was able to get a transfer away from Region 19. Joe tried his hardest to get me promoted to DM but Teddy Nelson always stood in the way…

I already touched on Don Dinnen Teddy Nelsons slave boy in a previous post as well as the Chris Christie look alike cry baby Anthony Sepe.

Hassan Harris also a good DM, I think Teddy gave him a lot of leeway when it came to the tasks and expectations becasue he is African American like Teddy, Teddy being a total racist when it came to other races and religions.

2012 in review

The WordPress.com stats helper monkeys prepared a 2012 annual report for this blog.

Here’s an excerpt:

The new Boeing 787 Dreamliner can carry about 250 passengers. This blog was viewed about 1,400 times in 2012. If it were a Dreamliner, it would take about 6 trips to carry that many people.

Click here to see the complete report.