Tag Archives: Layoffs

GameStop Employee hours or lack of

The average GameStop manager works anywhere from the minimum of 47.5 hours a week that’s including 30 minute breaks to upwards of 70,80 and even 90 hours without getting paid for it or receive any compensation for those extra hours. The fact of the matter is those store manager work those hours with the District Managers knowing and agreeing with those extra hours to get the job done. Basically you have to take care of everything as a store manager no matter how many hours you have to put into your store. Some store managers work off the clock, yes they are salary but the have to punch in and out, and to make it look like they are not going over a certain number of hours they punch out but stay inside the store. Some store managers are forced to take a vacation day, comp day or otherwise to give the store more hours for employees to work while they themselves are their working. Let us be very honest GameStop was built on the back of so many employees that worked their hardest only to see themselves fired for stupid little reasons. The store managers at GameStop should revolt and file as many lawsuits as possible to get GameStop to stop taking advantage of them. There are times when stores have little to no hours  that the only people that are working are the managers and other times the store manager is forced to work by him/her self until 2 pm, 3 pm, 4 pm and even up to 5 pm because of the lack of hours forcing the store manager to close the store and place a note on the window when they need to use the bathroom, and at other times asking customers to go purchase food for them, because we can have some great customers that actually care and want to help..

Ray Riveria, DM or Snake in the Grass

IDK what he was like as a SM but he is snake, He sets up hard working managers to fire them. If you call HR ur pretty much fired within a month, brags how his record on unemployment hearings is undefeated well I should say was undefeated until I came along. It’s obvious he HATE Eric and Eric dislikes him, Eric came to my store and bashed him left and right when he left Ray said he was a useless asshole along with our old LP Manager Mike and HR Michelle, I don’t understand he talks so much crap about them to all the district managers, they tried to talk to HR and she doesn’t do anything about it, except give him permission to fire you. I wasn’t fired I walked out because of my store situation and I was getting set up when I had plenty of proof that I had permission from him to do certain transactions, he wasn’t taking me down that’s BS. I also was called to a meeting with another new SM with him and HR on how to coach people basically he wanted me to take my hardworking GA and SGA that were busting their ass helping me and fire them for stupid ass reasons..well I guess he won that battle cause after I left he found a reason to fire each and every one of them….He fired a kid for not asking for id with a credit card…it’s against the law to ask for ID yes we do it if we think it’s stolen but it wasn’t it was a regular customer of ours. He fired an SGA for calling and getting approval for a credit card and manually entering it. It was all on DVR and the customer signed it. These are young kids they didn’t realize they couldn’t get fired for this stuff…The whole DVR is BULLSHIT it’s annoying when ur DM comes into ur store that is clean and up in sales and reviews ur DVR and questions ur every move especially during Christmas as busy as we are u think we can remember every single thing were doing what sucked is we were always working never standing around but if you were working from the wrong side of the counter u get coached or god forbid u don’t give out a flyer or better yet shake every customers hand…Our reg customers don’t need a Credit Card flyer every time they walk into the store they don’t want to be annoyed with that shit. I’m not done with this company it’s sucks cause this could be a great fun job and he is slowly destroying everybodys future out of spite he hates his job and district so all SM have to deal with his miserable, selfish attitude. I would love to start a class action lawsuit of how many hours we work and how we need to punch out for a break that we don’t take, and the verbal abuse we have to deal with. As a store manager u are expected to work 60 hrs a week never ever ask to leave early or GOD FORBID u need of on a Saturday the world might come to and end..But yet he’s sitting on his deck sipping beer and bbq with his family every Saturday…That’s felt good let’s see if anyone else has the balls to comment on how much there job sucks at GS.. I welcome all comments and stories of horror from GameStop to let the world know what it is really like working for a company that does not care about its employees..

The Fall Begins or Continues you decide!!

I recently found out that Mike Druza has left GameStop probably somewhere around conference time. This man was a good and decent driving force for GameStop and its employees. This man really pushed for more payroll for the stores, more promotions and more wage increases. He actually listened to complaints from the field but every time he tried to do what he promised he continually was shot down by the other people at GameStop, I do not know who but the fact that he left GameStop before a new console launch and before holiday was a huge blow to the company. GameStop continues to say it will give more payroll, and more money to the field but it is a bunch of lies as the layoffs and firings of big salary employees continue, most recent being Ken Turner an RD of New York. This man was a hard working Region Manager, but he was let go as well, no doubt to bring in somebody with less talent, for less money doing a minimum job.. I’m sorry GameStop but you have go down so far its not funny, you are now using Video Game retailers to bribe your managers by giving them free consoles and free games etc.. Bribery and the bad economy is the only thing keeping your managers in place, when the used video game buisness goes bust, what will happen then, only time will tell, but again its the little guys that will lose out not the shareholders or the big wigs!!!!!

Store Manager 2 Program

GameStop and their weird ideas, or maybe just a cost cutting idea to help boost their bottom line and investor relations. The concept of this new program is to have one Store Manager run two stores. So the company can terminate more high salaried store managers to save money and give the lower paid managers a small raise to run two stores. Now considering the company is closing many stores this year to help them make more profits, terminating your highest paid store managers is also a great way to increase your profits.. I say good luck to those managers that get promoted or should I say slave- moted to two stores, its going to be double the work and double the hassle especially during the holiday season..

Another Store Manager Fired!!

The termination of some of the highest paid managers in GameStop continues. This manager I am going to talk about today took over a store that ranked over 3,000 in the company, but he was ready for the challenge and didn’t mind taking over a broken store. He did one hell of a job and ended last year in the top 500 stores in the company. He was also the second highest paid store manager in the District. This store manager also questioned everything and did not blindly yes yes to everything, because that wouldn’t make you a manager, that would make you a slave. The Regional Managers old and new often questioned why he wasn’t given extra responsibility in the District because of his work ethic, store performance and leadership skills. He had the biggest store in the District and the highest volume store as well, the new DM only visited him once in November and once in December, (we are talking about a DM who was promoted only because of his brown nosing). This DM ignored the Regional Managers when they inquired about giving the SM more responsibility. This store manager was having major external theft problems and major company Distro errors, that neither the DM nor LP manager visited or helped resolve some of those issues.( This store always had a external theft issue due to the size of the store and lack of payroll hours to have employees working and watching the store). The store was also having issues with their bank who never counted the deposits on time.  When they decided to try and fire the Manager they accused him of many thins that no matter how much they tried to prove it, they never could, the store manager was a straight shooter and would never take advantage of anything and would always inform upper management of any and all issues. They finally fired him over a clerical issue, they could not fire him for any of the things they made up or did not help him resolve because he did everything by the book. They also took the opportunity to do this and fire him before his review time and raise which he would have received a very good one due to the stores good performance for the previous year. Then GameStop hires a manager that makes significantly less than the old store manager. The new DM has let the District slip into chaos and performance has tanked. Brian another store manager was also fired because he was also a high paid store manager, and another SM decided to leave the company when he saw what was going on, Danny moved on to greener pastures, even though his store ended up ranking 750 out of over 4,000 stores..

First they Terminate you Then They Sue You

GameStop greedy as always, now this manager did not steal anything nor did he fake anything, the only thing this manager was doing was removing his reservations or the reservations of his ex-girlfriend for his son. He was removing some reservation credits because she told him to. He took the reservations off of games she no longer wanted for her son and applied them to games that their son wanted, now this is not against policy because the child is his child the only thing is the reservation credits should have been in his sons name instead of his or his ex-girlfriends name. The fact of the matter is they want him to pay  for lost revenue, greedy as always, why should he pay for games he does not want, but GameStop does not care, they do not want to lose any money, and any money lost they will try to make it up no matter what, even if they have to get their fancy lawyers involved and sue you after they terminate you…Now this is a low blow even for GameStop but what can you expect from a greedy money hungry company.. Here is a copy of the letter this manager received!!



GameStop and GoTime

GoTime is GameStops way of spying on all its employees to make sure they are putting in their slave hours. Now the Store Manager is required to work a minimum of 44 hours a week, with pretty much always working way past that amount. Now I heard recently that a very good Manager, somebody I hired as a Game Advisor many many years ago and worked his ass off to get where he got was fired because of GoTime, now this manager pissed me off when he deleted me off of his friends list because of this blog, but I never wanted him to ever get fired. Well apparently because he would leave at 5:45 pm  instead of 6:00 pm  but adjusted his time for 6:00 pm because honestly who is going to check the camera to put in the correct time for yourself when you are the Store Manager and you have worked way passed your 44 hours every week. With GoTime the District Manager can see everything, when you are actually in the store and if you adjusted your time etc..The new District Manager looked at the camera and at GoTime and fired this Manager because in GameStops eyes that falsifying documents, time sheets etc.  While I do not agree with doing any falsifying of any documents, but terminating the Manager is a little bit extreme. This should have been a first and final warning and not a termination, GameStop lost another great manager not because he did something wrong, but because he was a high salary manager and GameStop seems to be in a habit of firing those high Salaried managers because they are suffering financially or see trouble ahead for themselves and are going into damage control. B I wish you the best and hope you get unemployment and a new and better job ASAP!!!!!


I want to give a big CONGRATS to Ray R, for getting promoted to District Manager from Area Manager, probably happened after Teddy Nelson got fired for doing a lousy job. I’m glad you did not have to go through what I did and wait 3 years and still not get it. Congrats again hope everything is going well with you, just don’t become a corporate suck-up like Don Dinnen!!!

What to do when LP interviews you!!!

Loss Prevention, what to do when they come knocking for you at GameStop. The first thing you must not do, do not admit to anything at all, no matter what they tell you because that’s the first step in you getting fired. Second no matter what do not write anything they tell you to write or sign anything they tell you to sign. Usually the LP person talks to you like he/she is your dear old friend and just says to write down everything they say, while you do not realize that this is putting you in a trap situation. They usually  come in for a specific situation and if they can’t get you for that, they will look for other things, so again do not admit to doing anything against policy. They try to use reverse psychology to pin something on you. The thing is if they are wrong about something, they have to come up with something else because to them you are already guilty no matter what, and you have to fight to prove your innocence which even if you are innocent, 99.9 percent of the time you are still going to get fired. I have seen LP work over the years of working at GameStop and have seen them fire many good managers for little things because they couldn’t pin the big things on them. LP works for corporate and if corporate wants to get rid of you because of your high salary, then it is a done deal…

Beware GameStop Employees

It has come to my attention that GameStop is deliberately finding ways and excuses to terminate high paid associates and managers, and the reason for this is the dismal performance of the company, Why pay a store manager $46,000 a year or more when you can fire him/her and hire someone for $36,000 a year, and trust me there is n shortage of applicants either. Gamestop has been going after many managers recently and firing them for simple things like not filing the Game Planner correctly and finding other small things to get rid of people, If you are a GameStop employee at any level make sure you follow the policies and procedures 100% or else you will be terminated before you know it..