How Sneaky GS can be!!!

There was a great Store Manager at Gamestop by the name of John, this guy was the prime example of customer service at Gamestop so much so that a FOX Business New corespondent who visited his store had such great things to say about his, so much so that GS Corporate took notice and sent an email company wide, but your fame at GS can be very short lived as this manager was fired with out any excuse or reason, so much so that GS knew they were wrong that they didn’t even try to stop his unemployment claim when GS is know to go after the people they fire so they do not get the unemployment. So anybody who thinks they are safe at Gamestop think again!!!


The Managers own words!!!!!


Thats the details, no reason or excuse by my DM, I have the Text when I asked him what was the reason so I can tell unemployment. Text says “ITS YOUR CALL” NJ has a wrongfully terminated employees law that only allows up to 3 years severance pay. Plus the attorney said they aren’t fighting my unemployment so IDk…. Plus Joe kepted quite until something was said. He said don’t bring it up, plus he said he heard nothing. That was 3 days before Sica questioned me on that Wednesday, I got fired 2 days later on Friday. Sica said he would question every Store Manager in our District to get there stories… They all said there was no issue or problem that they heard, a few told me I was over reacting. So I found out Paul Sica never talked to anybody….. After I was gone that’s a few changed & stories r said…. But im not like everybody, ill walk right into 1 of those stores & ill say my Fuckin peace… Beleive me I would. Atleast I didnt Kiss anybody’s ass. I EARNED ALL MY PROMOTIONS CAUSE IM FUCKIN AWESOME, Im clean, im good looking, im charming, I can sell a blind man a car I know, Every Fuckin Customer loved meeee & u know that

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