The One Good Thing About GS

The only thing that was good at GameStop was my staff and the people I worked with, with a few really cool customers, but I want to talk a little about the staff I had and the people I trained and promoted. I will start with the people that no longer work at GameStop.  The first person is Jay, he came to me as an assistant manager, and then I was able to promote him to a store manager, good guy, even though he drove me nuts at times for not getting things done, and not getting enough numbers, but overall he knew what he was doing, his downfall as a store manager was that he let his staff dictate the rules instead of himself doing so, he became friends with his staff which is not against the rules, but his staff thought they could do whatever they wanted, and that led to his downfall, I gave him plenty of advice over the course of several months but the numbers did not improve and at GameStop that meant you are out. I don’t talk to the guy much, but I wish him luck in everything he does. The next guy is Ev, who came in to train to be a store manager, guy was good knew what he was doing and picked it up very fast, I got him promoted to store manager and placed in a store quickly, but personal issues led him to leave the company. He was a funny guy when he wanted to be and serious when he needed to be. Then we have Ch who was also trained by me for a store manager spot. This guy was a huge Video Game fanatic so he fit in just fine, great guy funny and all, but his staff was out to get him because he wanted them to perform and they did not so they ganged up on him and called Loss Prevention and said the guy was stealing or doing other stuff, truth be told, he was doing everything by the book, but GameStop LP once they investigate you for anything they want you out, so he was let go without and rhyme or reason. Then we have Zu who came in as an Assistant Manager to be evaluated and then maybe promoted to Store Manager, she was a funny person with an attitude lol, I guess that came with her being…She was throw from store to store to help cover, and when he store manager got fired the store fell on her shoulders and it was a task to great for her because the staff  did not care or listen to her, she left for a better job, with better pay. I have a special story to share about another Store Manager that was fired for no reason, but we shall get to that later!!!! Next blog is about my former staff at 3755…..

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