Monthly Archives: October 2012

The RSB process at GS!!

RSB or Region Stock Balancing is one of the worst ways GameStop wastes its money and resources, Store do transfers to other stores around the country. The problem with this process is that the games you transfer to the other stores are usually sent back to you from different stores as well. So as an example your store was asked to send out 30 used copies of COD Black Ops lets say, and you send them all out, a few days later you receive an RSB from a store across the US that has 20 copies of COD Black Ops. How is this helping the stores, its not, not to mention that a lot of stores and Store Managers use this as an excuse to ship out all their scratched or cracked discs to other stores, the best way to get rid of your garbage is to send it to other stores via an RSB… This is a waste of money and employee hours as these RSB’s appear in the stores computers on Monday and need to be completed by Thursday with no extra hours given to complete the task, so Store Managers rush to finish this and instead of helping customer work on the RSB’s which further destroys GameStops Customer Service but its not like they care, they just want to take your money anyway!!!!!!

New Vice President of the North Market

I hear that the guy is really a tough ass, and has made a few moves within his Market, which is a very good start, now he just has to figure out how much of a useless idiot Teddy Nelson is and fire him, once that happens the North will start doing better, all he has to do is look at when Teddy takes vacations, his Region tends to do so much better without him annoying everybody especially the District and Area Managers. Teddy has no clue how Gamestop works and never will, the guy can’t even read reports and at times starts yelling at DM’s for performance when their performance was actually good and he was looking at the reports all wrong. I do hope for Region 19’s sake that this VP can get the ball rolling for Teddy’s departure, because once that happens good things will come for that Region…

GameStop Employees Afraid to stay friends

It seems funny to me that a few people are actually scarred to stay friends with me for fear that the company will fire them, now I told some managers they could do it if they wanted to, and one guy did and I can understand his reasons for it, he has a family he needs to take care of, but some other people, come on really you are that much of a pussy cat to de-friend me. I mean you really think GameStop is watching everything you do and say especially on Facebook, wow that’s just super paranoid!! I mean some of these people owe me so much for getting them in the company and helping them throughout the years and helping them resolves issues in their own stores. I would worry less about the company getting rid of you because I am your friend on Facebook, and worry more about the shady things you do in your stores!!!! This is only in reference to store managers!!!