Teddy Nelson Part 7

Teddy Nelson loves to speak ill about Homosexuals, he told us a story once from his past at Footlocker when he met a new owner, who was homosexual. Teddy stated that he did not want to meet the guy but he had to because he was a Regional Manager at Footlocker at the time. Teddy was making fun of how the guy was dressed saying he was wearing shorts with sandals with a mesh shirt that was almost see through, and how the guy had both of his nipples pierced as well. Teddy then said that the guy gave him a hug and kiss and that he (Teddy Nelson) was extremely disgusted by it and walked out of the meeting wiping his face.. So when I say Teddy Nelson is an undercover racist, he is so not just against Arabs, and Muslims but against Homosexuals as well!!!!

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