Daily Archives: September 2, 2012

Pulling One Over On GS

Usually if you want to return/exchange something at GameStop the employees give you a hard time, be it a game, accessory or system. Now the employees are doing their job, and some actually take it very personally when a customer wants to return something and the customer is in the right. The best way to get what you want is to file a complain to the tellgamestop.com website and make sure you include the store name and the employee who is giving you the trouble. You can always call customer service to complain as well or the head of customer service Daniel Rusnak at 1(817)424-2234, and demand to speak to the District Manager of that store or even the Regional Manager of that store. Some people have also made it a habit and an art of being able to peal the tab at the bottom of a sealed game and slide the case out, take the game disc out and replace it with any cd or dvd and then reseal the plastic and return or exchange the game for other merchandise, So if you have trouble in the New Jersey/ Penn region, the people you can call to complain and get your way are the following. So don’t let an employee tell you that you can’t do it, and don’t get angry just call and get your way and get even…

The Racist Region Director Teddy Nelson 1-201-562-2651
District 450 Hassan Harris 1-732-939-6161
District 455 Don Dinnen 1-201-888-9514
District 457 Anthony Sepe 1-484-319-7914

To Reserve or not to Reserve???

You know the old GameStop statement ” if you don’t reserve it you will not get it” well that’s a bunch of bullshit and everybody knows it. The fact of the matter is unless it is a very small random title like say a Japanese game, there will be plenty of copies in stock. The COD’s the Madden’s etc will not run out if you do not reserve it and if an employee tells you they are out of stock, you call bullshit and call customer service on them. The fact of the matter is if you never pick up that $5 pre-order deposit GameStop makes money on it in interest. Example is that at one of the stores I worked at had over 1,100 pre-orders for COD MW3 and we received well over 3,000 copies, selling over 500 copies at the midnight launch and making over $40,000 by the time we went home at 3am, but that was not all the store sold another 700 plus copies during normal business hours for a combined $100,000 in one day. So you tell me if you think GameStop is telling the truth about their reserve business, or should i say their lying ways!!!!

GS Midnight Events

The midnight events for games……Most are usually dull and boring, especially if it a little title and the store has 20 reserves on it or less. These boring events would consist of the stores staying open after closing time and having customers come in and out of the store, when these midnight’s are forced upon the staff, well the staff do whatever they want, and by that I mean usually TV’s are hooked up and movies are watched, games are played sometimes even the game that is being released  that night… Usually the customers are allowed to be in the stores during this time, but most managers would tell the customers if you are not doing anything right now wait outside of the store. I remember one midnight it was for NCAA and only 5 people showed up to pic it up at midnight, what a joke, we drank coffee, ate pizza, and watched video’s on our smart phones…

Teddy Nelson Part 5

Teddy Nelson also discriminated against a certain District Manager to the point that he forced him to resign. Teddy Nelson has a certain District Manager named Hassan Harris who is African American like Teddy who can do anything he wants because Teddy will let him. Now Hassan used to go over payroll every week and every month and nothing would happen to him, instead Teddy would threaten and force other DM’s who were all white to cut payroll or else. Now the DM I’m talking about was a great DM and actually was the acting Regional Manager until Teddy was hired not because of his experience but because of the color of his skin. Teddy went after this DM for 2 years until he forced him to find another job and resign because he had a wife and baby on the way and needed a steady job.

Beware of some GS Store Managers!!!

I say be careful because certain managers will take you for a fool and make you reserve a game or sign up for a Power Up Reward without your knowledge or by tricking you into thinking you got something for less, how you may ask, well some managers will purposely not change a used price on a game from the higher price to the lower price making you think you got a free reserve or you will get a major discount if you sign up for the Power Up Rewards Card. There have been instances where managers will forget to take all your items in trades and after you leave they will take those items, trade them in under a different name and use that credit for fake reserves or fake Power Up Rewards!!!!    Customers Beware of these scams at GameStop!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

GS Little Guys

I would like to take a moment and talk about how the employees at GameStop, you know the little guys the ones that work for $7.25 an hour. These employees are expected to shove reserves and Power Up Rewards down your throats!!!! These employees are only doing what they have to to keep their meager jobs or else GameStop fires them and replaces them with others. Now most employees do not like cramming all this shit down your throats, they just have to because if a store is not performing to the minimum expectations the Store Manager gets written up and fired after 3 consecutive months of under performing, now the Regional Manager can set their Regions Goals for this and Teddy Nelson usually sets it higher than the company. Teddy takes it out on the DM’s who in turn take it out on the Store Managers and it goes down the line until it hits the small guys. The employees are only doing what they have to to keep their jobs so they may seem pushy and all that but its really just the job, so don’t hate them for it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!