Daily Archives: September 1, 2012

Russell George Store Manager 4260 Newport Mall NJ

This store manager makes $50,000 plus a year and is not even worth that money, he wants to be a Area Manager but he doesn’t have the talent to be one. His staff hates the guy as well as other store managers, he can never say thank you to his staff for anything they do for him. The only reason he was paid that money because he threatened to quit and go to Best Buy or something. GameStop was stupid for keeping him, or maybe not he is one of the worlds best ass kissers. I mean this guy can kiss ass all day long as long as it gets him somewhere. He really isn’t worth the money unlike other store managers who have been with the company for many years and barely make $35,000 a year. You can ask any member of his staff what they think of him and you will get the answer you expect, he thinks he is the shit, thinks he is all that, and that he deserves more money and a higher position, but in reality he is at best a mediocre manager, he probably can be an okay Assistant Manager but he has no business running a store at all…

GS and Sexual Harassment!!

In my time at GameStop there were many stories about DM’s and sexual harassment. The things that I heard were i fact crazy. There was one DM and if I recall correctly his name was Ralph, who was accused of sexual harassment when he worked at GameStop and GameStop did nothing to stop this man. This DM used to watch porn on his company laptop and brag to store managers about it. I also talked to a female manager that GameStop did nothing to protect who was always approached by this DM, she shall remain nameless to protect her identity. This manager was riding in this DM’s car one day to go to the bank and he put his hand on her thigh and said you know how we Latinos are. I mean WTF and he also threatened her job if she told anybody about the incident. This DM asked for a transfer from NJ to Delaware and was eventually fired for exchanging and returning the free stuff game companies gave him at Best Buy. GameStop really doesn’t care about its people because if they did they would remove DM’s and RD’s that are giving the company a bad name but instead they keep them and protect them and get rid of the little guys…

Don Dinnen DM or Teddy’s Slave Boy!!!

Don Dinnen was very outspoken against Teddy Nelson when he was an Area Manager, he would always complain about him, and never liked what Teddy would tell him to do, but yet he never said anything to Teddy about his stupid ideas, instead he always agreed with Teddy and became suck an ass kisser, that when Teddy offered him the DM position he jumped on Teddy penis so fast and agreed to take the position, even though it wasn’t much of a raise for him, and he had to drive 90 miles to his closest store especially with gas prices the way they are, but then what can you expect from a guy who ass kissed his way to being a DM..

Teddy Nelson part 4

Teddy Nelson is an RD that has no sense of what the video game industry needs or wants. He can’t even answer any questions for his people. When you ask him a question about something, he usually ends up turning your question into a question without helping you one bit, his usual response to you would be, well what would you do in that situation or how would you handle it, DUMB ASS you are the Regional Director and I want your input and feedback, not your stupidity. What are you there for if you can’t even answer a question for your people. Teddy cannot even comprehend reports or even program his own phone and laptop!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Teddy Nelson Part 3

Well another example of this mans total disregard for white people is that GameStop had corporate big wigs coming to NY to ring the bell at the stock exchange. Another Regional Director chose the five people that could come along based on merit, he chose the 5 top DM’s in his region and told everybody that on a conference call. Teddy Nelson hid the fact that he could take five people with him from the Region and only chose the people he liked to go with him, and of course one of those people was his African American Buddy Hassan Harris, and a store manager from his district who was also African American, when Teddy was asked about his reasons for choosing the people he did he said its non of your business and I don’t have to explain anything to anybody…

No Real Training at GS

GameStop really does not have any training guidelines or training programs to speak of. Every 2 years or so GameStop gets people together, wasting hundreds of hours of payroll, and spending millions of dollars to form a training program, print it out send it to stores and then it becomes useless 3 months later because things change, This money and hours could be spent to fill the stores with staff in the months of July and August when schools are out and stores are full.

The Area Manager Program has no direction whatsoever, and no actual training either, it all depends on your DM to train you correctly, and in most cases the DM will do that, but if you have a RD like Teddy Nelson you are left to do secretarial work, that in no way shape or form gets you ready to be a DM. Teddy Nelson makes the Area Managers take time out from running their 3 to 4 stores and focusing on their home stores to make secret shop calls to stores around the Region. Teddy Nelson is a drain on GameStop and a drain on all who work for him, GameStop will be better off by getting rid of this man. Training of store managers is often given to the top store managers in the District to the Area Manager of that District. That manager trains the new managers in his or her way. Assistant Managers at times are thrown in without any formal training as well as Senior Game Advisers and Game Advisers. You will see the adverse affect of this non existent training program when you visit your local GameStop and the employees have no clue, and just look like zombies….

Profits, Shareholders, Bottom Line more Important that Customers!!!

Have you ever walked into a GameStop in Summer and been amazed that there is only one employee working with a line of customers, well don’t be. In some of the Summer months especially in July stores can receive as little as 83 hours for the whole week,this usually means no customer service due to the lines and lines of customers in the stores and no one to help them. The store manager usually gets stuck making up the slack and having to work way past the required 44 hours except in California where if they do work over 40 they get overtime. Now the store managers will end up working 50, 60, and some even 70 hours with no hope of compensation because the RD like Teddy Nelson will threaten their jobs if they complained about the excessive hours they have to work. When you ask GameStop why this lack of hours in summer especially when the kids are out of school and the stores are packed they will tell you that they have a responsibility to the shareholders to meet their profit demands. So profit as usual to a big business is more important than the employee. Their have been class action lawsuits against GameStop because of the excessive hours the store managers have to work because they are exempt while the DM’s and RD’s enjoy their weekends and holidays off. GameStop has a history of throwing its store managers to the lions so they can meet their profit margins and shareholder demands…

Store Managers or GS Slaves

I feel sorry for the store managers that love their jobs so much that they are blinded from seeing how GameStop uses them, also for the ones that know GameStop uses them but they can’t leave because the job market is horrible.

Store Managers should unite and fight against GameStop by organizing a massive class action lawsuit to get their back pay of being forced to work 50,60, and 70 plus hours a week at times, in fact I might organize this myself since I had access to many things because I was an Area Manager and because I have saved to my private emails many emails that were sent from corporate to the field managers…




Random Store Manager Quotes!!

I should make a sign that says:
“If you come in to my store and ask ‘Yo, yalls is hirin?’ my response will be no and I’m sure if you think really hard you’ll understand why.” Also, your gold teeth and giant neck tattoo that stated ‘Bitches Be Crazy’ should be another clue as to why even if I was hiring, my response to you would be NO.


Yep… Haven’t had a story in a bit. I do so love starting my days with them.

Phone rings at 9:05
Guy: Yes, hello, hi, good morning.
Me: What’s up?
Guy: Do you have… Umm… MLB baseball?
Me: What year and for what system?
A good minute of silence.

Me: Hello?
Guy: Umm… I’ll call you back.

Phone rings 9:15
Guy: Hello, hi. Do you have MLB baseball?
Me: What year and for what system?
Guy: PS3 and 2012.
Me: Okay since it’s for the PS3, do you want 2K12 or The Show 12?
A good minute of silence.
Guy: I’ll call you back.

Phone rings 9:25
Guy: Hello, hi. Do you have MLB baseball 2012 The Show?
Me: Yes, I only have new for $64.19 after tax.
Guy: Do you guys deliver?
Me: As a store we don’t but you can order it online but that will take about 2 days.
Guy: Can I pay for it now and send someone?
Me: Unfortunately we can’t take payment over the phone.
Guy: Oh.

If this was all an elaborate prank call I have 2 thoughts on it… More like questions.
1. How was that funny?
2. Really? 9am? You have nothing better to do with your morning?

If it wasn’t a prank, society has failed to amaze me again with the type of people that survive birth.

Man… Warm weather really does just breed idiocy.
I answered the phone:

Guy: I bought a new PS3 and it won’t let me connect to the Internet.
I explained where to go to set it up.
Guy: Okay so I’m doing it wirelessly so which connection do I pick?
Me: whatever connection is yours.
Guy: it’s asking for a WEP key. What’s that?
Me: Depending on your Internet it’s either a password you set up or it’s on your router.
Guy: What if I don’t know it?
Me: Call the company you buy Internet from.
Guy: Oh, it’s not mine it’s someone’s in my building.
Me: Then you can’t get on it unless they give it to you.
Guy: Okay. How do I get it if I don’t know them?
Me: You can’t.
And so forth until he realized he can’t steal other peoples Internet so his solution is he’s going to return the system cuz he thought Internet was free just for buying it.
Thank god he didn’t buy it from me. That’s now someone else’s headache.

That was the longest conversation I’ve ever had trying to get the guy on the phone to understand the only real big difference between the old model PS3 and the new slim model PS3 was that the new one was more energy efficient. Yet it went on forever because of questions like this:
So they both have Internet?
I can use WIFI on them?
I can download things no matter what model I get?
I can play things online?
Can I stream Netflix?

I’m fairly sure my answer to the first question subsequently answer all following questions that were basically the same, only worded differently.

810am, store phone rings, i answer…blah blah…
customer “you open now, right?”
me “we open at 10”
customer “but you still can sell me a game, right?”
me “we open at 10am, then you come in”
customer “but you there… whatever… ill be by”

Twice today.
1: ‘When does Max Payne 3 come out?’
I explain when and preorder bonuses.
‘That’s cool I’ll just come in and get it when it comes out.’
Me: It’s the same price either way you just get the extra DLC for preordering it plus we hold one aside for you.
‘Nah, I’ll just come get it when it comes in. I don’t need the DLC.
2: Repeat that exact situation for NCAA 2013.
I don’t understand. You tell me you’re definitely going to buy it, I tell you that you get FREE in game content just for leaving a $5 (FULLY REFUNDABLE) deposit, I hold it aside for you just incase it sells out on day 1 and you still say no.

SMH… Stupid people.

I don’t even think I can put into words what just happened.
Guy was obviously homeless and OUT of his mind so I’ll just give you some highlights:
-He tried to barter his PS2 console without power chord, AV chord or controller for the Mass Effect 3 N7 hat.

-He asked to see if we can check his PS2 to see if it still worked. When it turned on he yelled ‘Be careful! I have a lot of RAM saved on there!’
-After my employee gave it back he Ruck Flair ‘WOOOH’ed saying he now has our RAM.
And that’s where my brain exploded.

so my GA helps a customer with a trade in, trades in about 10 xb games…
we tell him he’s getting $80something…
he wants to buy 8 or 9ps3 games….
ring him with his PUR card and he owes $175…
so after his total look of confusion and stupidity, we find out he had no money, did not know how the process worked and then canceled the transaction and left…. #moron