Monthly Archives: August 2012

Refurb Fees

GameStop is not very transparent when it comes to Refurbish fees on systems and games. Sure it has “General Guidelines”  but how many of its employees actually follow those guidelines.  Many employees just get lazy and do not want to bother testing a system to see if it works or even looking very closely at a disc to see the scratches. These lazy employees usually just charge the customer a refurbish fee and move on, now these fees can range from 50 cents to 5 dollars on a game disc to 10 dollars to 50 dollars on a gaming system. This is a major lose to those customers especially when they paid top dollars for those games and systems. GameStop Corporate does not care as long as they are making the money, and customers are the ones that lose…  I seen this happen time and time again, and no matter what I said nobody listened, and I have even told customer to report it to corporate!!!!!!!!!!!!

Truth About Used Games

So GameStop stopped using the term Used Games as it does not sound politically correct, and instead labeled everything as Pre-owned. Now it doesn’t matter what they are called it is still a rip off unless of course you return and exchange them within the 7 day period as per GameStop Policy.  I always though that the people that did that over and over again were ripping off the company when I worked there but then it dawned on me that they are very very smart. Buy a used game play it and beat it before the 7 day return policy is over and get another game, repeat as necessary, and never buy a game again. The simple fact is most games can be beaten in 4 to 15 hours, and you have 7 days to do it, so go ahead and take advantage of the system. GameStop pushes Used so far down your throat and you choke on it and agree to buy it. GameStop makes 40% to 65% profit on the used games, can you say major rip off, well take advantage of the 7 day policy my friends and never have to buy a video game again, just make sure you keep your receipt, or at least remember the date and time you bought it and go back to the store you bought it from and make them look it up in their system because they can, so don’t believe them when they say they can’t…

Teddy Nelson Part 2

Teddy Nelson hates his white DM’s so much that he even tried to set three of them up to get fired, how you may ask, well he had a African American Human Resource Manager interview all the store managers of those three district managers to try and get those store managers to turn against their DM’s. Teddy received a massive surprise when all those store managers turned the tables and complained about Teddy. The questions that this HR person Deborah Warren asked were ridiculous like does your DM help you and is he always available to help you. I mean Teddy is a major tool to think that store managers would turn against their DM’s. Teddy is the problem and GameStop refuses to see this, when Teddy goes on vacation the region always does better. Teddy is a racist with power and that power he has used to destroy many peoples lives, I think he needs to be stopped before he destroys anymore people…

Teddy Nelson

GameStop has a way of getting rid of people they have used and abused and no longer need. Gamestop hired a person who has no business being a Regional Director, but was hired because of the color of his skin, and stays in his position becasue the color of his skin. Teddy Nelson was eliminated from Foot Locker and GameStop hired him not because of his past work or achievements but because he is black!!!!!!! The North Vice President John Deegan protects Teddy because he is half black, and on top of that the North Market HR person Deborah Warren also protects Teddy because she is black as well. The complaints against Teddy Nelson reached the highest possible level at HR in corporate who is Dan Parent and he has never done a thing to help with all the complaints against Teddy. Teddy has been with GameStop for over 4 years and still does not understand the business.

If you do not agree with Teddy on a subject he stays behind you until he fires you, and makes your live a living hell and again corporate does nothing to help you and instead stands by Teddy. The following is a letter I wrote to Dan Parent of HR and to the top 3 individuals at Gamestop but nothing was done about Teddy and I was pushed out of the company as a result.

Good afternoon everybody, I just wanted to say it was great working with a lot of you, and I would have wanted to come back to GameStop, but GameStop refused to give me a much needed Personal Leave of Absence due to the policies and practices of one Teddy Nelson. The complaints against this man over the past 4 years have been numerous and some serious enough to warrant an investigation into his actions but non where taken. I will include a letter I sent to HR about him that was totally ignored and nothing was done about it because certain people in the company are protecting him. Teddy does not know how to talk to his team, he is arrogant, and pulls his rank that he is an RD while you are nothing. The complaints against him are supposedly looked into, but then nothing happens because for some reason GameStop does not want to investigate him. Teddy will curse at you and claim because he is the RD he has the right not to explain anything to you or even let you know why he does things, example when corporate went to the NY stock exchange Ken Turner picked the 5 top DM’s in performance the previous year to go with him while Teddy Nelson at random picked 3 DM’s an Area Manager and a Store Manager from Hassan’s District. What criteria did Teddy use, nothing but his own! Teddy does a very good job of alienating his own DM’s and treating them like children, as if the DM’s don’t know how to do their jobs. At one point Teddy told the entire region to break street date on the Original Marvel VS Capcom and nothing was done to him for his error while we all know a manager who may have done it by accident is terminated. Teddy has refused and continues to refuse to hear anybodies ideas and suggestions because he is an RD and does not care about anyone else opinions or concerns. Teddy has targeted DM’s in the past and continues to do so until this day, he fired Robert Knapp, and made Joe Martinelli resign or he would have fired him to, Teddy has made and continues to make blind judgments about DM’s and continues to plot to fire others just because he doesn’t like them for some reason or another. Teddy does not want a DM that questions him on certain issues but just wants yes men to always say yes even if the idea or suggestion is totally wrong. Teddy even had the nerve to try and get HR involved with him trying to fire 2 or more DM’s by scheduling a meeting with all the store managers of said Districts with Deborah Warren which backfired on him when all the Store Managers of those districts turned it against Teddy and his actions, and again HR failed to act, so Teddy has a feeling of being protected and Immune to any action against him for his gross misconduct against several DM’s and other individuals.

Pushed Out of a Job!

The Following was a letter I sent to Dan Parent at Human Resources, and was targeted afterward by certain individuals( Teddy Nelson, John Deegan, Deborah Warren and others and forced out of the company )

Hi Dan, how are you hope all is well. I am requesting a leave of absence due to severe stress that has negatively affected my health and personal life. The stress has come from no other than my RD, due to the fact that he has done nothing to promote me to DM in his Region or any other Region in almost 3 years of being an Area Manager, and to the fact that he views the Area Managers as secretaries and backups if any DM leaves or gets fired.

Dan I have been stressed since he over looked me for the Paramus District last year, he didn’t even talk to me about it before he promoted the other AM, or even after he promoted the other AM. He gave no reasons why I was not considered, except that Don’s performance was better, note at the beginning of 2011 Teddy switched 2 of my stores that were doing very well and added 3 new stores to my responsibility while not changing Don’s stores, this I believe was a ploy on his part to not promote me even though I live 5 minutes from the Paramus District while Don lives 90 miles away to his closest store. More than a year ago a District was open in Allentown Penn which is less than 20 minutes away from Don and Teddy did not tell him about it.

At one point I saw a DM opening in Chicago and I emailed Teddy about that position, I waited a day then I emailed John Deegan asking him about the position because I received no response from Teddy. This happened on 2 other occasions as well, but I did not email John about the other 2 because Teddy was upset that I would go to John Deegan. There was another time with an opening in Virginia that I wanted to interview for and Teddy ignored my emails and I had to talk to Deborah about it, and she was able to finally get me an interview though it was too late at that point. Ken Turner expressed an interest in me taking a DM position in Brooklyn and even though it’s not on my list of places I would go to I went to check it out. The travel to and from Brooklyn would take me over 4 hours round trip and I declined the position. I did manage to interview for a position in North Carolina, but did not get the position, A DM asked Teddy how did my interview go, and instead of Teddy calling the RD of the region I intervied for he called me to ask. Don also had to run a District 2 years ago for 2 months and he did a great job and Teddy did not give it to him instead he gave it to another Area Manager outside of our District, and didn’t even talk to Don why he didn’t get the position.

This Area Manager position is supposed to be a temporary position, not a position that I would be in going on 3 years in June, hence why the stress has reached this point that I fear if I don’t take a leave something serious might happen to me, and as a father and husband I have to take care of my health and well being above all else.

I love this company, that’s the reason I came back after leaving for a year, I wanted to grow with the company and continue to advance and do well, but like I said I feel like nothing more than a secretary for Teddy who forgets that an Area Manager has to do part of a DM job and a full Store Manager Job. This has nothing to do with time management as I had that down pat the first year I was an Area Manager, and this has nothing to do with Multi Tasking or taking care of Multi Unit stores and everything to do with a RD that doesn’t want you promoted or just wants you as backup, or maybe it has something to do with me being Arabic or Muslim…

Why I Blog!!

Hi Everybody, this is a new blog for me to let the world know about the evils of a certain Video Game Company, that I have worked for in the past, and to expose all of its corrupt policies and dirty dealings with its own employees and customers.